god's child
she's bless
Hear ma prayer, Lord,
listen to ma cry fer mercy.
In da day of ma troubles i will call to you,
fer you will answer me.
no deeds can compare wid yours.
Heavenly father, i thank you fer all dat you've done.
we're all livin in a sea of superficial relationships.
her ;
` sher*
` 16oct'87*
` librians
` music*
` shopping spree*
` hightea*
` beach*
` wakeboard*
` chill*
` travelling*
` spending time with my loved ones*
inside;her ;
I am simple yet complex.
Ugly yet adorable.
Chatty yet attentive.
Gentle yet harsh.
Kind yet selfish.
Humble yet extraordinary.
Sociable yet reserved.
Daring yet cautious.
Life is full of ironies,
i've been one of them.
I have many friends,
yet I felt lonely in this city.
I have learned so much in school yet none apply in life.
Contradictions and ironies, terms invented by men to describe the complexities of life and also to describe me.
People that I had my love has never love me the way I did and the people who loved me never really had my fullest love.
I have never wanted to hurt but I had harmed more than one.
If you know me, you think you do, but no you know nothing, like I know nothing about you.
` love god all my life
` my gfs moments
` everlast green jacket
` new rollerblade
` happy family
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004;
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005;
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005;
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005;
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006;
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006;
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006;
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006;
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006;
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007;
06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009;
04/01/2011 - 05/01/2011;
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
local men prefer 'small' women?
have you ever looked at bachelor guys who attend those singles' party and thought they're desperate fer a partner? have you ever looked with scorn at single men who sign up at match-making agencies to look fer a foreign wife, just because he can't find a local one? have you ever looked at a man who takes a vietnamese, china or even malaysian bride for his wife, and laughed at his loser incapabilities? in our society from as long as time could draw back. getting more serious as the times pass. used to think that situation as mentioned at the top occurs only for the working adults. but perhaps.. not so anymore. youngsters are taking on the evolved kind..
btw, men love bdsm. perhaps you never knew. but thats the sad truth. control-freaks, you may call men. men love submissive women.
probably just as a point of reference for anyone of any sex. in my opinion, what elements when put together, would last in a long relationship.
1) trust.
trust means believing in his character. that in the event of any mishap, you need not ask fer his explanation. you just know the answer.
2) love.
of course, if theres no love, you shouldnt be in this relationship at all. it's all wrong right at the roots.
3) responsibility.
being responsible with one's own actions. knowing when to do what, when not to do what. knowing whats right, knowing whats wrong. knowing the boundaries and limits.
well, with a hint and scent of telepathy between the couple would be good. without saying a word, you can speak right to my heart..great uh?
5) looks and appearance.
lets just be honest. looks does matter. was kinda ugly and FAT when i was younger. noone wanted me. learnt to accept the rules of the game. though character does matter, looks too. who would wanna be with a super Friendly Understanding Caring and Kind girl, who looks worse than Abigal Tan? (the small-time actress who had a sex-transplant)
6) patience.
sometimes conflict does occur. and it may take some patience, and a rationale mind to sort things out. a haughty personality takes you nowhere. not in the corporate world, not in a friendship. definitely not in a relationship. perhaps you can try the outterspace.
7) openness.
come on, who else should you be more open to, other than your partner? and yes, talk out your discontents and whatever of him that irks you.
8) maturity.
and that is why your dad and your mom have been scolding you fer having a boyfriend during your secondary school years.and with a sprinkle and sparkle of..
9) humour.
wits, smile, romantic ideas, cheesy lines, cash, car.with some humour in you, you can turn an oncoming calamity into paradise in no time.wits. yes, i meant witty jokes. not jokes like, "why does the chicken cross the road."smiling definitely employs less muscles than frowning.romantic ideas and cheesy lines are quite a must fer a more spicy relationship.cash is for occasional treating of your date to something special.motorcycles are definitely out, cars are in.
10) reads my blog.this shows that you care. duh. haa.
Tammy NYP Sex Scandal Video!! haa,i've caught hold of that, all thanks to eldwin.LOL
you guys know that recently, theres this girl Tammy from NYP (nanyang poly), who's phone got stolen? thats not the bad part. the worst part, is that in the phone, there were video clips of she and her boyfriend fucking. yeah. everyone's chasing after the remaining pieces of the sex scandal video.haa,timecheck ;9.49. the video was gross,i was laughing like mad in the middle of the night..
Exams,exmas..kiling me..
Scribbled on!
Scribbled at 10:00 AM
Friday, February 17, 2006
its jus one of those days where
i wonder why. maybe it was you.
history seems to be repeatin itself again..
i really dread this feeling;dat same sudden trepidation that struck me umpteen times..
i sometimes wonder if..
wad i hear is wrong,
wad i do is wrong,
wad i think is wrong,
how i feel is wrong.
i cant give you da reassurance you need, cuz im not even certain of it myself.
stop tellin me you feel fer me when you obviously dont.
to love othas was neva a strength of mine, but i learnt dat it was necessary to love ppl ard me. not becuz i'd expect othas to love me in return,the same goes to you. i dont blame you. no sorrys pls .
see. dat was my valentines' day. its not always about yourself, but othas. (:

Scribbled on!
Scribbled at 2:50 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Comm skills are borin me.
Module exams are addin stress unto me.
Accounts jus demoralised me.
oh anyhowww, sometimes i admire maself fer being able to shake saddenin moments off me so quickly. sheesh. (x
it was God! (:
ModuleExams. im wonderin how am i gonna pass well. i need dat discipline to study. why are first sems alwaes so screwed? grrr.classmates are great! a funny butch thou.
mommy's leaving singapore soon,
dad is flying soon,thou his presense doesnt matter.
but well. im takin all these shit positively. to motivate me to study.
to keep wagin tongues SHUT. zz. *yawns. -.=
anywae,i got my lower right back tribaltatt. done,*finally
phew* btw,its wasn't REALLY painful.. =p
And some of the ink came off last night.. It's STILL sore.
But overall, the results are fetching.
Anyway, I would like to mention the misconception on people thinking that people who have tattoos are "Ah Lians" or "Ah Bengs". Maybe because they refer tattoos as a form of belonging to the gang. Personally, I feel that it's body art and my tattoo doesn't bear any significance to any gangs. It simply represents the way u like to fit in.
____________ know who are you reading about,
if not FUCK THE FUCKING HELL OUT OF YOU, UNDERSTAND!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!...
Scribbled on!
Scribbled at 10:37 PM
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